Commissioning a Chart

Almost all of the writing I've been doing since about 2004 has been on commission.  I'm available for hire by educational or professional vocal and instrumental jazz groups who want to have a special piece of music tailored to their performance and personnel needs.  Consider the can give me specific requests in any or all of the following areas:

1. The song itself: You can choose a jazz standard, pop tune, theater song, folk tune, hymn, etc.  OR, you can ask me to write an original composition for your group, giving me maximum ability to customize for your needs.

2. Ranges: If you know that your soprano/trumpet section will be strong next year, you may ask me to give them some good high stuff to sing/play.  If you know you've got a strong low bass singer, you may want to do an a cappella chart that features his best low stuff.  Etc..

3. Soloists: You may wish to have everything played or sung as an ensemble, to just have short solo features interspersed throughout the chart, or to have the whole chart be a feature for a special soloist.

4. General difficulty level: If you're somewhat familiar with the charts on my site, and the levels I've assigned them, and/or if your group has performed some of these charts in the past, you'll have an idea of the level you'd like me to aim for with the chart.

5. Vocal charts: Rhythm section vs. a cappella: If you'd like your chart to include rhythm section (which is most common), you may want to include guitar, a horn, cello, etc., and you may want to ask for specifics about the difficulty of certain rhythm section parts.

6. Vocal charts: Voicing: Choose whatever combination of voices works best for your group...SATB, SSATBaB, SSAA, TTBB...etc.

7. Big band charts: Section size: 8, 9 or 10 brass parts: Woodwind doubling options.

8. Chart time: You may wish to determine the minimum or maximum clock-time for the chart, based on programming needs.


Commission exclusivity

My usual agreement for commissions is to give exclusivity to your group during the academic year of the commission.  I generally add all new charts from the academic year to my website catalog in late May, and your commissioned chart will always have the name of the group, school, director and year in the subtitle on the first page.



Most vocal jazz and choral arrangements and compositions: $1250-$1500
Higher rates may apply for more extensive or highly customized vocal jazz arrangements (added string quartet, horn section)
Instrumental jazz ensemble arrangements and compositions: $1500-$2000
Jazz combo compositions and arrangements: please email for quote
Marching band shows: please email for quote

ADDITIONALLY, I will pay any needed permission to arrange fees through Tresona Music (or third-parties, when applicable), and that expense will be reimbursable on your invoice. Although this expense varies, the licenses range between between $250 and $350.